You have to be aware of your rights to ensure that you remain safe while you are at work. You are not alone in the work environment. Millions are suffering from illnesses and injuries that are work related. It is therefore important to be aware of your rights. Your employer is answerable with a legal duty to offer you protection while you are at work. You have to be well versed in all safety and health issues that may affect you while you are working. An employer has to report all work related accidents under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations to the local authority. These accidents may include deaths, injuries and dangerous incidents.
The latest legal case study news concerning work accidents involves a man that was compensated more than a hundred thousand pounds for both physical and psychological injuries that were caused in an accident at work in England. The compensation was awarded to him after a serious safety and health breach.
This fifty-six year old man suffered an injury at his workplace which caused him physical and psychological injuries. He was instructed by his employer to fix a particular roller shutter door at the premises of a client. A ladder that he was using slipped and fell from beneath him. It caused him to plunge more than fifteen feet on to concrete ground. He was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital. He suffered a spinal and head injury and was also reported to have broken his elbow, wrists and a few ribs. The injuries were of a serious nature. Surgery had to be performed to his ribs and spine. Post surgery, physiotherapy was advised for the elbow injury.
The trauma to the head involved a post-concussion syndrome. He had to take therapy for that. The psychological damage as a result of this fall resulted in memory loss, depression and personality changes. He was not in a frame of mind to return back to his normal duties and it was not easy to determine the time he would require to recuperate.
He sought legal advice. Consultation was offered by injury specialists. They investigated a possibility of a compensation claim. The employer had to accept liability for this particular accident and the insurers had to pay a compensation of one hundred and two thousand British Pounds.
In such a case, this man had to learn to live with his injuries. The post-concussion syndrome, particularly, changed his outlook and he was drawn easily to temper and rage. He began to struggle with his moods and that brought about depression. This upset his entire family life. The financial worry brought about by not working added stress in his life. Support of legal services definitely helped him and motivated him to regain his health and seek employment in the future.
This serious incident could have been avoided if the employer had trained the staff on working safely at heights.
This could happen to you and you may suffer a serious injury at work. In such situations, you can contact us for genuine claim advice concerning compensation as a result of accidents at work. You have to remember that there are rigid time limits that have been set in place in order to make personal injury claims. We have expert consultants in al matters of personal injury. They will advise you on whether or not a valid claim could be sought towards compensation. Our specialist lawyers and solicitors will be able to talk you through the claim process and will answer all your queries.